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Pregnancy & Chiropractic Care
“From week 20 of my pregnancy to Kai’s first adjustment at 2 days old, we have seen a constant improvement in our health” – Regina P., NLC Practice Member
There’s no questioning the health of a pregnant woman is of most importance as her health has a direct effect on her child’s growth and development. We understand our care affects both the comfort and well-being of mom AND baby. Chiropractic care reaches far beyond treating pain as mom-to-be’s body is going through changes. Ensuring proper nervous system function, spinal alignment and mobility; our care optimizes baby’s development and gives baby plenty of room to grow in the womb. These benefits contribute to mom as she prepares for labor. Chiropractic care helps mom prepare for a safe and natural birth process – something often overlooked today; but is of critical importance to the health of both mom and baby. A woman’s body is designed perfectly for the birth process. With cesarean rates and medical interventions on the rise, today’s pregnancies are often viewed as a “medical condition”. We believe that difficulties typically only arise if mom is functioning at less than 100%, which is where intervention becomes an option as a last resort.
Breastfeeding is not always easy! Many new mothers face challenges along the way. If your baby will not latch, will only feed from one breast, must be turned like a football to eat, or cannot turn her head to one side, there may be hidden stress that is preventing her from being able to breastfeed comfortably and properly. This may be due to interference within the baby’s nervous system and development centers. Many parents are turning to chiropractic care to improve latching and breastfeeding outcomes.
Pediatric chiropractic adjustments gently restore normal physiological function to the child. When this happens, the baby may be able to breastfeed more comfortably. Many parents imagine a pediatric adjustment to be similar to an adjustment for adults. This could not be further from the truth. The force used when adjusting an infant is no more than the pressure used to check a ripe tomato.Research from the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics documented 114 infants who were referred to a chiropractic office for failure to adequately feed at the breast. Every single infant in the study showed improvement, with 78% of those able to exclusively breastfeed following chiropractic care!
A child can have trouble breastfeeding for many different reasons. However, the most common reason for breastfeeding issues is due the birth process. Depending on the type of delivery, an average of 90 pounds of force is used when pulling the baby out. As you can imagine this can cause a great deal of stress to the baby’s upper cervical spine (a critical area for neurological development located in the upper neck) and therefore to the master control system (the nervous system).
Restoration of the nervous system may lead to improved function of the reproductive organs. After beginning chiropractic care, many patients have been blessed with the child the never thought they would have.
Children’s Health
This is a very big deal! Nearly 1/3 (32% currently) of all births in the United States are C-section deliveries. Reasons for this vary from case to case, but experts believe this is far too high. It is most important to have your newborn checked shortly after birth to detect the effects of in-utero constraint, C-section, vacuum extraction, forceps or other aspects of a stressful birth.
Babies who are experiencing colic are often inconsolable. Though colic was originally thought to simply be indigestion, let’s consider another explanation. It’s very frequent during our examination we find distortions in the baby’s upper cervical spine. This is especially true in babies who have gone through a difficult birth. It’s no question these babies may be having head and neck pain.
Have you ever met a mom or dad whose child has colic? Bags under their eyes, irritable, anxious, frustrated…the list goes on and on. Experiencing the inability to communicate with their body, your baby cries and cries. And cries. They know no other way to tell mom and dad, “something is wrong”. Even “natural” births can cause nervous system interference, leading to miscommunication and poor development.
Having a child with colic can be one of the hardest things any parent goes through in life. It’s difficult enough to hear your child cry for 2 seconds, let alone for hours on end with no way to comfort them.
Good news is, the healing effect of chiropractic adjustments for colicky babies is astounding! Commonly, we see colic as an effect of an upper neck injury – frequently from birth trauma. Action is key – the quicker baby gets adjusted, the quicker they can calm down, sleep and heal. Not only will they finally get to sleep and calm, but so will mom and dad.
The most widely accepted definition of colic today is “unexplainable and uncontrollable crying in babies from 0 to 3 months old, more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week for 3 weeks or more, usually in the afternoon and evening hours.”
Chiropractic isn’t a treatment for colic! Assessing the nervous system for vertebral subluxation is paramount, no matter what the age. If vertebral subluxation is present and interfering with the body’s natural healing ability, growth and development – correcting the subluxation is key to restoring health.
Restriction within the upper cervical spine leads to interference within the brain-body connection. In turn, the anatomical structures that help drain fluid within the ear become constricted and create a breeding ground for bacteria.
Check out Dr. Joe's video on why ear infections happen and how we're able to help!
Have you ever brought you child into a pediatrician’s office because you thought they were getting an ear infection? With more than 85% of children developing their first ear infection before the age of 2, ear infections are very common and are the #1 reason parents bring their children to the pediatrician. However, just because ear infections are common does NOT make them normal!! Similar to any other symptom, ear infections are a sign that the body is not working properly.
Ear infections occur when fluid builds up in the ear due to improper drainage. When the fluid remains in the middle ear long enough, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses and other foreign substances which eventually leads to an infection. The bigger question we should be asking is, why is the fluid building up in the ear? Why isn’t the fluid draining properly? This leads us to a muscle called the Tensor Veli Palatini (TVP). The TVP attaches in two places – the back of your soft palate (roof of your mouth) and around the eustachian tube. The eustachian tube is responsible for proper drainage of your ear. If the TVP spasms and becomes constricted, it will pull on the eustachian tube and lead to improper drainage and fluid buildup in the middle ear.
The nerve supply from the TVP comes from an area around the top vertebra in the neck (atlas or C1). In our office, we often find the Atlas is misaligned from birth – especially after a stressful birth, use of forceps, vacuum extraction or c-section delivery. In turn, stress is placed on the upper cervical spine which leads to subluxation and nervous system distress. The nerves that innervate the tensor veli palatini, then cause the muscle to spasm and prevent fluid from properly draining out of the ear.
The new model of “Wait and Watch” is recommended by The American Academy of Pediatrics as most ear infections will resolve on their own. However, many pediatricians choose to prescribe multiple doses of antibiotics to treat the infection. Unfortunately, most ear infections are viral in nature and will not be affected by an antibiotic. Use of antibiotics has also been linked to lowering your child’s immune system – leaving them susceptible to developing future ear infections.
After multiple rounds of antibiotics from recurrent ear infections, many pediatricians will recommend a visit to the ENT doctor for ear tube surgery (myringotomy). This procedure is completed by drilling a hole through the ear drum (tympanic membrane) which allows for the fluid to drain out of the ear. The problem with this line of thinking is that we still have the CAUSE of the problem. Many parents whose children have gone through a myringotomy notice fluid build up continues and the tubes repeatedly fall out and need to be replaced. This is due to the excess fluid build up from improper draining down the eustachian tube.
The problem is that traditional medical options are not addressing the root cause of WHY these ear infections are happening. Subluxation and nervous system interference continues to remain in the upper cervical spine – reducing the TVPs ability to relax so the eustachian tube can open for fluid to drain properly.
Our technology specifically checks for subluxations in the upper cervical spine of your child. If subluxation and nervous system interference is present, our adjustments are specifically designed to reduce this interference and allow the body to heal properly so you can say goodbye to ear infections for good!
Pediatric chiropractic care is a safe, gentle, and natural solution to help resolve ear infections without the use of drugs or surgery. If your child suffers from ear infections, please contact our office today! We are here to help 540-765-2990
Improper communication from the lower back and sacral regions of the nervous may limit the normal response of bladder control. Chiropractic care has given many children the ability to regain their confidence when going to sleep at night.
Bedwetting can be extremely hard on kiddos. Embarrassment. No sleepovers. Plastic mattress covers. Anger. Even diapers.
Up to the age of four or five, many children have poor bladder control at night. But after that, the inability to stay dry at night may be a sign of an underlying problem. While chiropractic is not a treatment for bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis), countless children have been helped with safe and natural chiropractic care.
Two key muscles control the emptying of the bladder. Their technical names are the detrusor and trigone muscles. Nerves that exit the spinal column in the lower back and sacrum control these muscles.
During the early years of life, the sacrum has five separate segments. Later, they fuse together to form the triangular-shaped bone that adults have at the base of the spine. If these segments become misaligned (from a variety of things - falling, learning to walk, ride a bike, etc.) they may interfere with nerves that are responsible for bladder function.
Commonly during our examinations, we look for these misalignments of the sacrum. If present, reduction of sacral misalignment by safe and natural chiropractic adjustments typically leads to proper nervous system control and regulation of bladder control.
The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics document many studies showing the positive benefits of chiropractic care.
*A study of 46 children received chiropractic care for a 10-week period. A quarter of those receiving chiropractic care had 50% or more reduction in the wet night frequency, while none among the control group saw a reduction. (JMPT 1994 (Nov-Dec);17 (9): 596-600)
*Children with a history of persistent bed-wetting received eight chiropractic adjustments. Number of wet nights fell from seven per week to four. (JMPT 1991 (Feb);14 (2): 110-115)
*The lumbar spine of an eight-year-old male bed wetter was adjusted once and at a one-month follow-up. There was a complete resolution of enuresis. "This happened in a manner that could not be attributed to time or placebo effect." (JMPT 1994 (Jun);17 (5): 335-338)
Since chiropractic care isn’t a treatment for bedwetting, a thorough examination is necessary. If the bedwetting is caused by nerve interference from subluxation, many children will see great results with chiropractic care. We understand bedwetting can be a very sensitive case. We are here for your kids with love and compassion. If you have specific questions – call our office today! 540-765-2990
Parents are looking for conservative approaches for the child’s ADHD symptoms before turning to medications (Type II Psychotropic drugs). Excellent results have been the outcome of reducing tension within the nervous system.
However, ADHD appears as a neurological disorder and chiropractic care reduces nervous system interference, allowing the body to thrive as it was naturally designed to thrive. Many parents seeking natural, non-drug solutions for their child find chiropractic care amazingly beneficial, even miraculous.
Most often parents and teachers notice:
*Being easily distracted
*Difficulty concentrating & inattention
*Inability to control impulsive thoughts and behaviors
*Easily distracted by noises and activities
*Fidgety movements -- fingers, hands, arms, feet or legs
It is important to begin making nutritional and lifestyle changes. Rule out environmental factors by reducing your child's exposure to toxins that are increasingly common these days:
*Removing preservatives, food dyes and additives from the diet is key.
*Natural, organic foods grown without pesticides or herbicides should be primary food choices.
*Determine if allergies are involved, such as dairy or gluten. If so, eliminate these from the diet.
*Eliminate all excess sugars and artificial sweeteners.
*Reduce the use of inorganic agents, detergents, fabric softeners and other chemical toxins.
Regardless of if your child has been diagnosed with ADHD or not, these are great choices to make for your family!
Currently, the “standard” approach to managing symptoms of ADHD is to administer regular doses of methylphenidate, more commonly known as Ritalin®.
Ritalin® is a schedule II-controlled substance related to, and producing similar effects as, amphetamines and cocaine. The side effects include personality changes and permanent changes to the brain. Many parents who are aware of this are looking for alternatives. More and more parents are wisely turning to chiropractic.
Ritalin® shortage is not the result of increased hyperactivity! We specifically look for interference within the child’s nervous system (subluxation). The upper neck is most commonly where we find this interference. The relationship between the spine and brain stem dysfunction in ADHD is common. Through a carefully designed plan of safe and natural chiropractic adjustments, these often resolve, leading to reduced tension within the nervous system and less symptomatic expressions for your child.
We understand all a parent wants is the best for their child. If your child exhibits the symptoms of ADHD, you know it affects virtually everyone your child is in contact with. Before you submit to drug therapy, make an appointment for a chiropractic evaluation. Call our office today! 540-765-2990
An important note again, we do not “treat” children who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. However, we know that autism typically involves the deepest level of neuro-developmental challenges, and MANY parents are in disbelief at the improvements their child has had after beginning a strategically mapped chiropractic care plan.
The truth of the matter is, everything our office knows and stands for revolves around one recurring theme – the central nervous system. The CNS is the master control system for the entire body. A few of the CNS’s functions includes processing sensory information from your environment, making and secreting vital hormones, controlling your digestive and immune system and even regulating proper behavior, sleeping patterns and social skills. We understand, like many other professionals who work closely with children diagnosed with autism, that the CNS is extremely affected in this disorder – leading to difficulties with behavior, hyperactivity and social issues at home, school or in public.
There are a multitude of different factors that can damage the nervous system. For the sake of time – we are going to key in on the most common cause we see in our office. Birth Trauma is the most common association we see in children who have been diagnosed with ASD – specifically C-section delivery.
The sad truth – in the United States, we currently have levels of birth intervention that even the WHO has termed to be at “epidemic” levels - including the use of Cesarean delivery. The WHO states that C-section rates around 10% are normal and necessary, while anything above 15-20% “likely does more harm than good” – in the US 33-50% C-section rates are the norm for most hospitals.
“Augmentation” itself has become a part of “natural” childbirth. It must be recognized that even the majority of vaginal deliveries include the use of induction and epidurals. We have adopted a culture that chooses to view birth as a medical condition instead of the natural process it truly is. This in turn leads to further risk of birth trauma and injury – specifically to important areas where normal function is pivotal. The area that is most commonly injured during the birth process is the upper neck and skull. The risk of injury to these areas go up exponentially as intervention levels go up. C-sections, forceps, vacuum extraction, and prolonged pushing all lead to greater risk of traumatic birth injury to the infant’s head and neck.
As we’ve discussed previously, injury to the upper neck and spinal cord, when left untreated, can have a dramatic effect on proper development and growth in a newborn, infant, or young child. The problem that arises during birth trauma is that misalignment and joint fixation (subluxation) are already created before baby takes their first breath. This leads to the deeper effects of improper signaling into and out of your brain and spinal cord (CNS). Though our bodies have the ability to heal themselves, entering the world already far too stressed leads to a cascade of chronic stress for these children. Physiologically speaking, their bodies are stuck in sympathetic dominance (fight-or-flight) from the moment they enter the world, sometimes even before. This is why we commonly see children who have been diagnosed with ASD later in childhood have already been through the gamut of infantile colic, chronic ear infections, allergies, asthma, multiple rounds of antibiotics and so forth. Not only are chronic immune challenges an issue, chronic digestive and gastro-intestinal issues (cramping, constipation, food-sensitivities) are also incredibly common. It really is no wonder children diagnosed with ASD have challenges with sensory processing, social interaction and behavioral impulsivity because their bodies have always been in protection (sympathethic) mode and never truly been able to reach growth, health and natural development mode. Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD again states it best – “You can’t be in growth and protection at the same time”.
You’ve probably already gone through various care with PTs, OTs, behavioral therapists, speech therapists and so on – and often it will be recommended you continue with all forms of therapy while also undergoing a chiropractic care plan. We always say it this way – 1+1=11. Our specific model and chiropractic technique does not inhibit or fight against the work of other professionals. Instead, it works in perfect parallel to give your child the ability to reach THEIR full potential.
Let’s get right down to the TRUTH of why your child needs chiropractic – we need to address if injury has been present within the spinal column and assess for subluxation. If present, specific chiropractic adjustments need to be made to restore balance and alignment to the neuro-spinal system, which has a direct impact to balancing and restoring proper nervous system function.
There are many factors to creating improvements in behavior, sleep, digestion, immune function, learning and more. Severity and duration of present injuries and subluxation need to be detected in order to properly map out the best care plans for your child. If possible, early detection and care is key! The earlier we begin care, the better our chances for the greatest amount of success.
In the most-simple fashion, we can summarize the challenges we see in most every child who has been diagnosed with a spectrum disorder – their nervous systems have been and remain overstressed. They have been living life in protection mode with the “gas pedal” stuck to the floorboard even before their symptoms were noticeable and have never had the ability to “tap the brakes” and get their nervous systems into true growth, healing, organization and development. Subluxation has become a major part of their anatomy, physiology and neurology and locked them into this stressed system. A specifically trained pediatric chiropractor is the only provider in the world trained to find and locate that subluxation, correct and resolve it. This is pivotal to balancing the growth, relaxation and development systems working again – aka: “pumping the brakes”.
We believe that when a family has a child who is challenged by something like spectrum disorders, the number one thing they need is someone who can support them and help them make the proper decisions. Unfortunately, despite the enormous growth in this disorder, most pediatricians are quite lacking in their understanding of spectrum disorders and how neurology, nutrition, and toxicity play a role in it. Thankfully, Pediatric Chiropractors are experts in this area, and you can be rest assured that you will get the support and care your child needs to overcome these challenges and lead the brightest and most promising life possible!
Often it is seen that attacks are reduced or eliminated through chiropractic care. This may be due to the reduction of neurological interference to the bronchial tubes, lungs and diaphragm.
Bottom line, chiropractic is not a treatment for asthma. However, many who suffer from asthma report improvement after receiving chiropractic care.
Research suggests a link between the nervous system and the respiratory system. This may be why many have mentioned improved breathing after beginning care at our practice.
Asthma cases appear to be rising at an alarming rate. The chemicals in our environment are believed to be one of the major factors causing this increase.
It’s not just our new age super insulated homes that are trapping chemicals and molds around us…the increasing use of cesarean births, antibiotics and our obsessions with germ killing have also been cited as potential causes for the rate increase.
A key question is, why wouldn’t all children living in the same house, going to the same school, breathing the same air, suffer equally?
Your diaphragm is the primary muscle used for breathing. Nerves that control every breath leave your brain and exit the spinal cord in the mid-neck (C3, C4 and C5) area. Nervous system irritation in this area can have a profound effect on the nerve supply to the diaphragm.
Reducing vertebral subluxations in the spine may help restore proper nervous system control of the lungs and improved function can begin.
Research published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research documented the results experienced by 81 children with asthma who received chiropractic care. The two-month study revealed that those under care saw a 45% decrease in the number of “attacks” and that 31% of the subjects voluntarily chose to decrease their medication.
True results from improved nervous system control of the lungs!
Interested in reducing the frequency and severity of asthma attacks? Chiropractic care may help. We can’t make any promises; but if your child has subluxations, and they are the cause of their symptoms, many have found relief with the drug free option of chiropractic care. Let us discuss the possibilities and answer any questions for you - Call our office today! 540-765-2990
These are pains that are considered to be the “phase” your child is going through. Plain and simple, pain is noxious stimuli to the brain which increases the overall stress load on your child’s nervous system.
Most commonly, it’s recommended to take the “watch and wait” protocol for this. Instead of bracing, chiropractic care has helped countless children with this common phenomenon.
There are many different names for Sensory Processing Disorder. You may have also heard SPD go by the names Sensory Integration Dysfunction or Neurosensory Dysfunction. Regardless the diagnosis, the cause of these challenges doesn’t change. Our brains are consistently reacting to sensory information. From the food you smell, to the warmth of the sun on your face, to the words you're listening to in your head right now while reading this…we are ALWAYS sensing and processing information and our brains control it all.
What is often not talked about is how immaculate our brains really are. Every person has an innate intelligence in us that understands and responds to information that is appropriate and inappropriate. A prime example of this intelligence is a child setting their hand on a hot stove. Abundance of stimulus from receptors in the hand travel to the brain and innately tell the child the heat coming out of the stove is “bad stimuli” that causes pain and burning. Once this act has been done once, it will rarely be done ever again. This is an example of ‘sensory learning’. Our brains learn in the exact manner for ALL our primary senses – taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight, movement and coordination. Again – Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD best summarizes this concept in saying – “The function of the Nervous System is PERCEIVE it’s environment and COORDINATE the BEHAVIOR of all cells accordingly.”
Three key words to focus on in Dr. Lipton’s synopsis – Perceive, Coordinate, Behavior. Improper perception of the environment leads to improper coordination of the information being relayed to the brain. Improper coordination of information often leads to improper behavior due to the inability to correctly identify what the message is telling the brain and how to express that message in an appropriate fashion.
The truth of the matter is children affected with SPD struggle because of the inability to perceive their environment. Albeit from touch, smell, sight, hearing or balance and coordination; the message remains the same.
When relating SPD to our spines and subluxation, our message is relatively simple. The majority of sensory information to the brain comes in the form of proprioception (good brain stimulus) – better known as your body’s awareness in space. An example of proprioception: if you close your eyes, you know exactly where both pinky fingers are on your left and right hands. 90% of all information going into your brain at any given time are proprioceptive signals. Your spine is responsible for interpreting approximately 2/3 of this information with 1/3 of that coming solely from the upper neck. Now imagine that you have a subluxation (interference within the nervous system signal) at the level of your top vertebrae, the atlas. This area is of particular importance because of its relation to the brainstem. If interference is present, the responsibilities of processing, integrating, filtering and organizing that information will appear as an inappropriate response due to the inability to PERCEIVE correctly. Coordination of this signal is then transferred to higher brain centers. ‘Filtering mechanisms’ within our nervous system will edit and stop messages that appear unimportant at these levels of interference.
Children who suffer from SPD have an inability to properly process, coordinate, and adapt to their sensory environment. These issues can be broken down into neurological input and COORDINATION problems, not output and behavior problems.
For children with SPD, this “perception and coordination” system is essentially not “programmed” correctly. There are a variety of reasons the sensory system becomes imbalanced and disorganized.
The specific cause of SPD is currently unknown. In our office, we commonly see a correlation between traumatic birth injury (C-section, vacuum extraction, forceps) and symptoms of SPD. Birth injury most likely has the greatest impact, due to the sensitivity of the upper spine near the level of the brainstem, cerebellum and Vagus nerve. This area of the nervous system is responsible for regulating many of the ‘processing’ and ‘filtering’ signals from the sensory system. Other traumas that may attribute to development of SPD include frequent childhood falls and excessive use of car seat carriers and walkers.
Efficiently trained health care providers understand that sensory-challenges are frequently a main component of many common conditions – including ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Unfortunately, many health care providers are not trained to recognize and care for these changes in infants and toddlers. The general rule of thumb comes into play at this point – “Mom knows best”. Often we have parents who tell us “something just doesn’t feel right”. When encountering these feelings, many parents have consulted the child’s doctor already and been told to “wait and see what happens” or “they will grow out of it”. The truth of the matter is, “wait and see” is the same thing as doing nothing. Early detection is pivotal for children who may be struggling with sensory-challenges as their bodies are developing at such a rapid pace.
Common case history findings we see in children diagnosed with challenges like Sensory Processing Disorder and ADHD.
Traumatic Birth: C-section, vacuum, forceps, or increased difficulty, pulling, or twisting of the child's head and neck during delivery.
Colic and reflux in infancy.
Torticollis and plagiocephaly.
Constipation and digestive issues.
Chronic ear and sinus infections.
Speech delays.
Abnormal motor development early in life (eg: only walks on toes)
Frequent falls and injuries; uncoordinated.
As pediatric chiropractors, we understand children with sensory-challenges have difficulty with Perception, Coordination and Adaptation to their environment. Again, this commonly appears as a behavior or output problem. Traditionally, this is where care begins for these children – modifying behavior; aka: output. Often, therapies are completed by specifically trained occupational and/or physical therapists in a “sensory gym”. We are 100% on board with the care that these professionals provide for children diagnosed with sensory challenges and encourage these therapies as the child ages and develops. However, when we go back and look at the cause of improper brain signaling, we see that it’s actually an INPUT problem. In pediatric chiropractic care, we take a different approach to pinpoint and address the root cause of the challenges. In order to achieve optimal output and behavior for these children, we need to change not only their environment; but also the input their brain receives from sensory stimuli so they have the ability to Perceive the environment and Coordinate these perceptions accurately.
Our state of the art, Certified Space Technology provides the information needed for our doctors to assess if your child has interference within their nervous system that may be leading to an inability to properly perceive and adapt to their environment. Want to learn more? Contact our office today!
If you've been looking for hope for your child and want to learn more, click this link to find out when our next Perfect Storm event will be held!
Headaches are one of the most common disorders of the nervous system. It is estimated that 15% of the American population suffers from chronic headaches. Although headaches are extremely common, they are not normal!
“If all you want is temporary pain relief, drugs are quicker. But if you’re concerned with your health, you’ll really appreciate chiropractic.”
Over the counter pain relievers are the most common form of headache relief. At Cotton Chiropractic, we prefer to take a more natural approach. We aim to find the underlying CAUSE of your headaches.
You might be surprised that your headaches are actually coming from your low back. Finding subluxations and nervous system interference is the primary objective of chiropractic. Interference within the body, no matter where it may be, can lead to symptoms such as muscle spasms and loss of joint mobility. Subluxation in the low back can lead to compensation within the spine, shifting your head off center, causing headaches.
We don’t guarantee results, but our success rate is very high for people who suffer with headaches.
Chiropractic care doesn’t treat allergies. So, why do so many people with allergies mention that they notice less allergic reactions after beginning chiropractic care?
Allergic reactions show up in a variety of ways. Itchy eyes. Runny nose. Skin rash. Serious reactions can include constricted airways.
and even death. All because of some tasty blue crab, a meeting with a puppy or spring pollens in the air!
The question we should be asking, however, is why doesn’t everyone react? If everyone responded to these substances in the same way, we could post blame on the crab, the sweet little pup or the pollens. But the truth is, not everyone reacts. Why is that?
Your nervous system is the master system that has the ability to adapt to unforeseen stressors. Our nervous system coordinates all immune, lymphatic, respiratory and every other function that reacts inappropriately to allergens. Normally, these systems help you respond and adapt to the world around you. But suffering from uncontrollable swelling after eating a crab is an improper reaction.
If your nervous system isn’t adapting correctly, the rest of your body adapts incorrectly. We prefer to locate the specific regions that may be causing your nervous systems inability to adapt as opposed to focusing on the many allergens that could be causing improper reactions.
So, we don’t treat allergies. Simply put, we look for ways to restore your ability to adapt to allergens by locating and reducing interference to your nervous system.
We’d love to discuss how chiropractic may help your specific allergy issue. Call our office today! 540-765-2990
Sciatica is often characterized by one or more symptoms including constant pain in one side of the buttock or leg, worsened pain upon sitting, leg pain that is often described as tingling or burning, weakness or numbness with associated difficulty moving a leg or foot, and/or sharp pains when standing up or walking. Sciatic pain may vary in frequency and intensity as symptoms range from irritating and infrequent to incapacitating and constant.
Sciatica in and of itself is not a medical diagnosis; rather, it is a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Lumbar disc herniations, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disc disease are among the most common underlying medical conditions that cause compression of the sciatic nerve root and lead to sciatic pain. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body and is comprised mainly of the 3rd sacral nerve and 4th lumbar nerve. Your sciatica nerve runs through your buttock into the back of the leg and into the foot, making it the longest nerve in the human body. A very common cause of sciatica is called piriformis syndrome in which the piriformis muscle in your buttock becomes overactive and compresses the sciatic nerve. The piriformis is used daily in activities such as walking and stabilization when standing and may become tight if not properly treated.
Chiropractic adjustments drastically improve spinal motion, leading to a quicker healing response. We’ve had great success with practice members who thought they would have to go through multiple therapies and operations to get relief. Call today to schedule your consultation! 540-765-2990
Stress – the topic of the day! It comes in many different forms – both good and bad! An intense 30-minute cycling class for 20-year-old would be great stress. That same workout for a 70-year-old grandfather might be a little too much and equate to bad stress.
There are 3 main types of stress we frequently assess and review in our office: Physical/traumatic stress, chemical/toxic stress and mental/emotional stress.
Let’s kick the physical stress off with the obvious – car accidents, frequent falls in childhood, repetitive motions, long periods of sitting. All of these stressful stimuli keep our bodies adapting, trying to make the best of every situation. Whether at work, the ride home or even while asleep on the pillow that just doesn’t fit your neck right, there are many hidden physical stressors in our day. Presumably the most important physical stress to address is the birth process. We know it wasn’t “easy” for mom…baby agrees. Birth puts A LOT of stress on the nervous system.
Have you ever looked at the ingredient labels on the food you were about to buy at the grocery store only to find you couldn’t pronounce any of them? How about trying to read the back of your shampoo bottle? The truth is, we are faced with a variety of chemical stressors every single day. When you pile up all of the preservatives, herbicides, pesticides, drugs, pollens and a host of other substances, your nervous system reaches a “tipping point”. The end result is subluxation and interference within the nervous system. You can work to eliminate many of the chemical stressors in your life but can’t get rid of them all. Give your body the best chance to adapt to these stressors with regular adjustments!
Often the most overlooked, but perhaps the most frequent stressor we encounter is within our minds. Emotional stress takes a large toll on the body’s ability to function at the highest level. Have you ever lost a job? Lost a loved one? Watched a movie with a sad ending? Emotional stress, when not dealt with properly, disrupts the normal physiologic function of our nervous system and causes subluxation. We often have practice members in our office tell us they have less anxiety; how much happier they are and how life is brighter after beginning chiropractic care. Don’t let stress stay in your system and disrupt your life, call us today!
What does it mean to be healthy? This is an important question for us to answer if we are going to understand how chiropractic wellness care is a key component to living a healthy LIFE! Too often we see and find that the term health is improperly used. Our society tends to view health as a general feeling – one that is good, with little to no pain or symptoms. Don’t get us wrong, it is definitely great to NOT have pain or symptoms. But again, does this mean you are actually healthy?
This is where we view health through a different lens. Health is not about feeling rather it is about one thing – function! You can “feel great” and have “no pains or symptoms” but if your or your child’s body is not functioning at 100% - it is not experiencing true health and wellness. At 100% function – the innate ability your body has to heal and adapt to anything in its environment gives you the power to maintain a state of optimal health and wellness. Anything less than wellness is ill-health. Ill-health is the result of a body’s inability to adapt to stress – which leaves us with a decreased functionality.
Where do these stressors come from? Physical traumas – like car accidents and frequent falls as a child – are out of your control; but how you adapt to your environment day-in and day-out is completely up to you. You have the control to make the decision. A decision of whether you want to be healthy or unhealthy.
Most commonly we hear – “I have bad luck” or “bad genetics”. It’s frequently used as an excuse in today’s health care community for why you get sick or receive a disease diagnosis. With this outlook, we’ve already lost. Does it make sense that every year we have a “flu outbreak” but not everyone gets sick? This is because those who are more susceptible to illness are the same people who have lost their ability to adapt to their environment. The rest of us, who function at a higher level, also come in contact with the virus without even knowing it but are able to fend it off because our bodies DO adapt.
Why is chiropractic different? We believe that you cannot focus on sickness and disease while expecting an outcome of health and wellness. We choose to view the body as a whole, self-healing system instead of simply treating symptoms. In doing so, our approach aims to find what has caused the body to lose its’ ability to adapt and heal as it has been innately designed to do. We choose to measure how your body is functioning rather than simply ask how you are feeling.
“We Love Dr Joe and Dr Brittany! They have been a huge help in the health of my family. I was adjusted all throughout my last two pregnancies. It made a huge difference in how I felt throughout my entire pregnancy. They’ve also adjusted my last two babies the very day that they were born. They have helped my kiddos with bowel issues, earaches, tummy troubles, the list goes on. They take the time to get to know you and your individual needs. There’s no one size fits all with them. They make sure that you and your kids are getting the best care that they need.
I wouldn’t take my family anywhere else!
New life is the best.”
— Joy E., NLC Practice Member